
1. The New and Next Generation Ministries

Faith Oxygen Chapel & The Spark Centre – Discipling young believers to rediscover their faith heritage and do church differently.

Key Strategies:

- Leadership development & discipleship
- Bible literacy & ministerial training
- Establishing youth hubs and faith-based community programmes.

Funding: Lambs Fund (John. 21:15)

2. Bible Literacy & Ministerial Training

Revival of the Bible Project – Reigniting passion for Scripture and ensuring biblical literacy.

Key Programmes:

  • Guide to the Side Bible Literacy Programme (Acts 8:26-40).
    - Equipped to Minister Programme (Col. 4:17, Acts 18:24-26) Training Instruments of Revival.

Funding:  Heritage Fund (Prov. 13:22)


2. Bible Literacy & Ministerial Training

Revival of the Bible Project – Reigniting passion for Scripture and ensuring biblical literacy.

Key Programmes:

  • Guide to the Side Bible Literacy Programme (Acts 8:26-40).
  • Equipped to Minister Programme (Col. 4:17, Acts 18:24-26) Training Instruments of Revival.

Funding:  Heritage Fund (Prov. 13:22)


3. Minister’s Manna Global (ALAN)

Apostolic Leadership & Accountability Network – Mentorship and oversight for ministers worldwide.

Key Initiatives:

- Diaspora Gospel Advance
- ReDig - IUK:Facilitating revival, supporting church planters, revitalising older and dying congregations.
- Economic Empowerment for Kingdom Gospel Advancement
- Healthy Leaders → Healthy Churches → Healthy Nations (Apostolic Funding, Scholarships, Rescue Missions)

Funding: The Apostolic Fund (Acts 4:32-35)

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